The Green Party of Alberta is run entirely by volunteers. Members can join any committee, subcommittee, or ad hoc committee, and run in the internal elections to become an Executive Council member. Members with specialized knowledge can apply to become a Shadow Cabinet member.
Party Structure
Executive Council
President, Vice President, CFO, Secretary, and up to 6 Members-at-Large
Executive Council members meet every two weeks to vote on governance motions, move GPA activities forward, implement the strategic plan and oversee the budget, and ensure compliance with Elections Alberta law.
Standing Committees
Strategic Planning Committee
- Election Readiness Subcommittee
Communications Committee
Policy Committee
- Environment and Economy Subcommittee
- Social Justice Subcommittee
IT Committee
Fundraising and Membership Committee
- Events Subcommittee
Indigenous Advisory Committee
Young Greens Committee
Constituency Association (CA) Development Committee
Committee chairs and subcommittee chairs set up regular monthly meetings with their teams to work on strategic projects like policy development, website and mass email maintenance, internal and external communications and much more.
Ad Hoc Committees
Conflict Resolution Committee
Contest Committee
Shadow Cabinet
Actively recruiting for Shadow Cabinet critics who want to assist in policy and platform development in Advanced Education, Children’s Services, Culture and Status of Women, Infrastructure, Justice and Solicitor General, Labour and Immigration, Municipal Affairs, Public Service Commission, Transportation, and Treasury Board and Finance.