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Support Our Farmers

Agriculture is an important industry in Alberta, contributing significantly to the economy, providing jobs and creating food security. However, the province is facing a challenge of losing its next generation of farmers, as many young people are leaving rural areas in search of better opportunities elsewhere.

The Green Party of Alberta will:

  • Build agriculture training and tech centres of excellence across rural Alberta
    • Establish new training centres to teach and support new technology in farming, provide hands-on training, mentorship, and access to the latest equipment to help young farmers and entrepreneurs
    • Support universities and technical schools so they can offer courses on agriculture and related fields, apprenticeship programs and mentoring opportunities
  • Support farmers as land stewards
    • Provide support and recognition for the crucial role farmers play as stewards of the land, promoting farming careers and sustainable agricultural practices benefiting both farmers and the environment
    • Provide subsidies for methane reduction feed, eco-agriculture, organic farming, and other environmentally friendly stewardship practices
  • Access to land for young farmers
    • Create a land trust program to overcome the barrier of access to land for new and young farmers, where government and non-profit organizations purchase land and lease it to farmers at affordable rates
  • Access to capital for new farmers
    • Provide government loans and grants specifically targeted for young and new farmers, alongside tax incentives for investment in sustainable agricultural practices and equipment for growing operations
  • Support for sustainable agriculture
    • Offer subsidies for sustainable farming practices, such as cover cropping or reduced tillage, as well as technical assistance and education